Monday, December 5, 2011

The Completely Biased Gift Guide for Runners

Every company is putting together a "gift guide" for the holiday season. So, for my blog about running, I put together a completely biased list of things I would love to receive.

Please Note: I do not have a relationship with any of these distributors nor do I receive any sort of payment for putting their merchandise on my personal running blog.

Let me be honest, I have an Etsy addiction. Therefore, my list contains many homemade items. Since my main goal this Christmas is to shop local or from small business owners, this list has been tailored to give back to the community or to support the small man.

Click picture above to browse the Etsy shop
As you may know, I have a medal addiction. So, for my first gift on my gift guide is a "Run Like a Girl" medal display. I'm sure your runner would love this as well!

Click picture above to browse the Etsy shop
If you're a hoarder, like myself. Chances are you have EVERY SINGLE race bib you ever wore. In my case, I have the date and my recorded time written on the back. Mine are currently sitting on my dresser, collecting dust. But, I cannot part with them. So, Etsy comes to the rescue with a Race Bib Display. This would look super cute next to your medal display.

Click picture above to browse non-slip headbands
Long hair don't care...unless I'm running. It took me forever to try and find the right headband to keep hair out of my face. Here are some headbands that I think are amazing. They have velvet-type material on the inside that sticks to your head no matter what. On the outside, your options are endless. You can literally choose from a mass amount of vendors on Etsy to find the perfect color combination. In my case, you can't go wrong with a little sparkle.

Click picture above to browse Runners Feat

If you have a Pandora-type bracelet, this is a gift worth getting. Runners Feat offers a variety of marathon specific beads for the Pandora bracelet. I have the Brooksie Way half-marathon bead and also a 13.1 bead. I really want the above bead. Which is the Detroit Free Press half-marathon bead. He also sells super cheap filler beads. Take a look at his site. It's worth browsing. Let's see how many times I can say bead...

Click picture above to browse local races
Running can get expensive with all the registration fees. I personally would love to have someone pay for my next race. Although my wishlist races aren't local, it would be great to receive registration for a local race. Not only would that person save me money but, they can enjoy cheering me on too!

There's nothing your runner will love more than receiving a gift card to the nearest running store. I'm not talking about Dunhams, Sports Authority or other big box stores. I'm talking about the small, independently owned and operated running specialty store. The closest one to me is Hanson's Running Shop. But, there are plenty out there to choose from. Your runner will love to shop for their own gear. Shop local! Support the small man this holiday season.

Last but not least, a massage appointment. What runner would pass this up? There's nothing I love more than visiting my local spa and getting a good deep tissue massage. Running is hard on the body so it's good to have all of that tension rubbed out. Sounds wonderful right about now!

Other ideas you could do for your runner would be to visit a local craft or art show. They might have ornaments or crafts specific to running. Check your local paper or sites for craft shows near you.

If you have any other ideas or comments related to Gift Guide for Runners, feel free to comment!

Happy Running!


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