Friday, January 11, 2013

BLFE: Day 3 and 4

Day 3: January 9, 2013

Day 3 was a little rough. I haven't been packing my lunch the night before so, I did the morning scramble. Throwing things into the lunch box. Hoping I have what I need to keep me full and satisfied all day.

Day 3 was also rough because I had a cheerleading competition. I am a Varsity cheerleading coach so eating dinner is a challenge for me, especially on Wednesday competition days. I always get really high anxiety during competitions. Especially if they're close. My team was second going into Round 3 and they totally choked. Which made me both angry and disappointed. We ended up getting fifth. Not happy.

This is one of those times where you eat bad because you feel bad moments. My coaching staff and I went to Chili's and I ordered their new guacamole burger. I only ate half and I ordered broccoli instead of fries. Although, I had about 20-30 tortilla chips and salsa.

I also didn't work out. I should have but, I was too pissed off to even think about working out. Thinking back on it, it probably would have helped my anger and probably calm me down.

Overall, Day 3 was not my day.

Day 4: January 10, 2013

I got back on the grind Day 4. But, yet again didn't pack my lunch so I was scrambling in the morning. For lunch, I ended up making a turkey sandwich with light mayo on sandwich thin bread. I threw apples, oranges, almonds, yogurt, anything I could find into my lunch bag.

I didn't eat dinner, AGAIN! Although, I didn't even pack it. But, whatever. I really need to work on this. After cheer I went home and did a 40-minute Insanity workout. It was tough. I'm glad I did it!

After Insanity, I toasted a sandwich thin, threw some peanut butter on it and had that as "dinner."

Dinner is my weakness.

Thoughts so far:

  • Dinner is for sure my weakness
  • I have a problem with emotional eating - that burger was really good though!
  • I have a lot more energy. I'm not dragging like I usually am.
  • I need to make my meals the night before

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

BLFE: Day 2

Day 2 - January 8th

I think I was more in "The Zone" but, I don't think I'm quite there yet. I've been finding that my hardest thing to do is make a 1 block snack. I've been having a yogurt with almonds in it or half an orange or half an apple. But, That's not considered a Zone meal because it doesn't have equal parts fat and protein. I need to sit down this weekend and actually go through what makes a meal. 

Bacon Egg Muffin/Cupcake

Here is what I ate today:

Breakfast: Bacon Egg Muffin/Cupcake with a handful of almonds

Snack #1: Yogurt with Almonds

Lunch: Turkey Chili with half an orange

Snack #2: Half an orange

Dinner: Grilled Chicken Sandwich on Sandwich thins with an apple


I had cheer practice right after work and like always, I planned on working out after practice. But, we didn't get done until like 9:15 p.m. and I stayed a little longer talking to parents and cheerleaders. By the time everyone left it was 9:30 p.m. and I was not about to stay at the school that late by myself. Usually I would just be getting done with my workout at that time, not starting it. 

So, I got home around 10 p.m. and I was NOT motivated. I was like heck no, I'm so tired and sore from the previous day's workout. But, my friends and I have a "30 Days of Fitness" goal we are trying to achieve. So, I sucked it up and did a PiYo DVD. 

It was a hard workout! I was sweating, sore, etc. etc. This is not your normal pilates yoga class. Chalene Johnson does a great job with the choreography. She makes it hard enough you want to scream but so enjoyable that you're having a fun time doing it. 

Overall, I did 45 minutes of the 1 hour routine. I could have stuck out the extra 15 minutes but, it was already 11:30 p.m. 45 minutes into the workout. 

Piyo! Lola decided she also wanted to do PiYo.

Monday, January 7, 2013

BLFE: Day 1

BLFE = Biggest Loser Family Edition

Depending on the day, I may post my workout, my food, or both! I'm open to suggestions!

Sunday night I made my food for the week:
- Turkey Chili (Lunch/Dinner)
- Bacon Egg Muffins (Breakfast)
- Tuna Salad Sandwich (Lunch/Dinner)

The Zone Diet says to eat within one hour after waking up. I don't eat breakfast so that was a major change for me. But, I loved the Bacon Egg Muffins! So yummy. I found the recipe off a CrossFit Website. I'll link it to it once I find it again. But here goes:

Bacon Egg Muffins

12 Turkey Bacon Strips
12 Eggs
1 tsp. of shredded cheese (optional)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Take a cupcake/muffin pan and grease it down. I used coconut oil. Then, line each cupcake hole (lol) with turkey bacon. After you line the pan, put one egg inside of the bacon. Sprinkle cheese if necessary. Bake for 20 min.

To make it a zone meal eat 1 banana and 3 almonds.

I missed my first snack. I was really amped up for it but, I was in a meeting. Tomorrow will be better.

Lunch wad great. I had a tuna salad sandwich on a whole grain sandwich thin with half an apple. Yum!

I did not miss my second snack! It was a 1/2 cup of yogurt sprinkled with almonds.

I missed dinner. I can't believe I missed dinner. I even packed it!!! It was supposed to be my turkey chili. I got caught up in cheer practice and didn't have time to eat - Oh well.

I ate my 1/2 of an apple after I worked out.

Since I missed my dinner and my first snack I couldn't not workout. I had a plan of what I wanted to do but it changed when I saw a "Spartan" workout. Looked pretty cool and difficult so, I modified it for my level.

5 min bike
10 min intervals (1 min run, 1 min sprint)
2 minute walk
3 minute walk on incline

WOD: Modified Spartan
10 Inverted Pull Ups
25 Deadlifts (60#)
25 Box Jumps
25 Sit Ups
25 Cleans (40#)
10 Inverted Pull Ups

5-10 min Cool Down

I was not in the Zone. I didn't plan as well I thought but, I did eat pretty clean. Everything I consumed was portioned and mostly followed the Zone. I'm still learning about the blocks. But overall, I'm proud of myself. I ate 4 out of 6 meals and worked out! I'm used to eating maybe once or twice a day so this is a big deal. My goal for the next week is to consistently eat six meals per day and workout everyday.

Love this challenge. In it to win it!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Biggest Loser - My Family Edition

It's been awhile since I've posted. Mainly because I haven't been running. Well, I haven't been doing much fitness activity to post about. To be completely honest, I actually fell off the wagon...real bad.

I started a new job in May 2012 and in the past eight months I gained 20 pounds. I started to notice my pants got a little tighter, my face looked a little fuller and my craving for sugar and bad food increased a ton. Because of this, I have been exhausted and not at all motivated to work out. I tried but it has always resulted in a failed effort.

Since it's January - and a new year, my family and I decided to do a "Biggest Loser" weight loss challenge. Yes, it's a little cliché - I know. But, we are all at our highest weight that we've ever been. So, something has to happen!

Here are the rules:

1. Entry fee $10
2. Every pound gained $1
3. Stay the same? .50
4. Complete 3-6 fitness hours
5. Don't complete fitness hours? .50
6. Didn't do any fitness hours? $1
7. Winner is based on percentage of weight lost NOT pounds lost.
8. The challenge goes on for 12 weeks - up until Easter
9. Weigh-in is every Sunday

My game plan is to change it up from anything I've ever done. I'm going to CrossFit three times per week, yoga and running twice per week. I am also going to follow The Zone Diet. I think with this plan I will definitely be on the path to a healthier me.

Keep following my blog, I will be posting my workout as well as the meals I've been eating.

Wish me luck!