Monday, April 16, 2012

Martian Marathon Run!

Hello Earthlings!

Since I am running a half-marathon in a couple weeks, I wanted to do a training race to take place of a long run. I heard great things about the Martian Marathon Run so, I decided to sign up and run the 10k.

The Martian consists of five events: Marathon, Half-Marathon, 10k, 5k and the Martian Mile. You would think the event would be insane and a huge cluster eff with five events. But no, The race was well organized and on time. I never felt claustrophobic like how I did at the Detroit Turkey Trot.

By the time my event started, it was rainy, cold and windy. I was not loving the weather and lost all interest of running. Remember my excuses post? This was definitely one of those moments. Thank God my Mom was there telling me to suck it up or I probably would have left. ha.

The course was smooth and somewhat hilly. We ran all around Dearborn and saw some cool sites. Like the campus pf U of M Dearborn, The Henry Ford Estate and through Hines Park. The only boring part of the course was mile 3-4. It was a down and back on a free way. Not real exciting but, it was flat and fast so I didn't mind.

Please note my amazing form. *sarcasm*

My goal time was 60 minutes or under. My last 10k was at Shamrock n' Roll and  I ran it in 1.07. Terrible! My calves tightened up from my new shoes and it was just the worst race. This time I ran it in 1.04. Still not my best but at least I knocked three minutes off my previous time. My PR is 59.58. I'm hoping to get there sooner rather than later.

Final Time: 1.07

My training for the next couple weeks include:
4/17: 5 miles
4/18: 6 miles speed work
4/19: 5 miles
4/21: 10 miles
4/23: 5 miles
4/25: 6 miles hills
4/26: 3 miles
4/28: 12 miles
4/30: 3 miles
5/2: 4 miles speed
5/4: 2 miles
5/6: FLYING PIG!!!!!!! RACE DAY!!!!


jessica said...

look at that race plan!!! :)

About Me said...

So late on seeing this! But seriously, thank you SO much!