Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Conflicting Schedules

Last week, my schedule was jam packed. It was seriously insane. I was able to get a couple runs in but not as many as I hoped. Needless to say, I fell behind on my homework. But as always, runners come together in the end. 

I ran about 2 miles with Catherine, 3 miles with Roxanne (in a PR of 30 minutes!) and then ran another 3 miles with the GP Runners (another PR of 27.57!). That's two PR's in one week! Insane.

Photo courtesy of John Martin

John Martin, friend and member of GP Runners, decided to invent "Fourth of July Fishfly 5k". We treated this run as a race and their goal for me was to be my PR of 31.15. I need to check what my average pace was but, I know I was running in the 9's and I never run in the 9's. It was definitely a struggle for me to stay at that pace but, I knew I had to push myself. It wasn't comfortable but, I wanted to push my boundaries. So, I did. 

I ended up finishing in about 27.57 which is phenomenal for me! Even though time doesn't matter, I still enjoy seeing the numbers go down.

There are some things I still need to sort out for my long runs. Such as, shorts vs. running capris, Gu, water belts, socks, etc. 

If you have any recommendations on what works best for you, please share! 

Also, I think I'm going to start a cross training program. Maybe do some Insanity or Turbo Fire DVD's. I want to be a strong runner and I know these programs work well for a lot of people.

Thanks for reading! 

Happy running! :)

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