Friday, January 11, 2013

BLFE: Day 3 and 4

Day 3: January 9, 2013

Day 3 was a little rough. I haven't been packing my lunch the night before so, I did the morning scramble. Throwing things into the lunch box. Hoping I have what I need to keep me full and satisfied all day.

Day 3 was also rough because I had a cheerleading competition. I am a Varsity cheerleading coach so eating dinner is a challenge for me, especially on Wednesday competition days. I always get really high anxiety during competitions. Especially if they're close. My team was second going into Round 3 and they totally choked. Which made me both angry and disappointed. We ended up getting fifth. Not happy.

This is one of those times where you eat bad because you feel bad moments. My coaching staff and I went to Chili's and I ordered their new guacamole burger. I only ate half and I ordered broccoli instead of fries. Although, I had about 20-30 tortilla chips and salsa.

I also didn't work out. I should have but, I was too pissed off to even think about working out. Thinking back on it, it probably would have helped my anger and probably calm me down.

Overall, Day 3 was not my day.

Day 4: January 10, 2013

I got back on the grind Day 4. But, yet again didn't pack my lunch so I was scrambling in the morning. For lunch, I ended up making a turkey sandwich with light mayo on sandwich thin bread. I threw apples, oranges, almonds, yogurt, anything I could find into my lunch bag.

I didn't eat dinner, AGAIN! Although, I didn't even pack it. But, whatever. I really need to work on this. After cheer I went home and did a 40-minute Insanity workout. It was tough. I'm glad I did it!

After Insanity, I toasted a sandwich thin, threw some peanut butter on it and had that as "dinner."

Dinner is my weakness.

Thoughts so far:

  • Dinner is for sure my weakness
  • I have a problem with emotional eating - that burger was really good though!
  • I have a lot more energy. I'm not dragging like I usually am.
  • I need to make my meals the night before

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